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This module contains two classes: TCPServer and TCPClient.

Note: This Page is still under construction and may be outdated. For the newest code documentation look here.


Let's get started with the TCPServer:

Setting up and starting the Server is really easy:

from simplesockets import TCPServer

Server = TCPServer() # you could specify the max amount of conections
Server.setup(ip="", port=9999) # more options: listen=5, recv_buffer=2048, handle_client=None

When initializing the Server object, you can specify the amount of
max connections: Server = TCPServer(5).
Then you need to call setup(). You can give the following arguments:
- ip: The ip the Server binds to, standard: socket.gethostname()
- port: The port the Server binds to, standard: 25567
- listen: Is the value used in socket.listen(), standard: 5
- recv_buffer: Is the amount of bytes the socket receives at maximum, standard: 2048
- handle_client: The function used for handling a Client which has been accepted, standard: None, I recommend to not change anything here
- on_connect: This variable should contain a function. It will be executed, when the Server got a new connection. It takes the address as an argument. standard: None
- on_disconnect: This variable should contain a function. It will be executed, when a Client disconnects from the Server. It takes the address as an argument. standard: None
- on_receive: This variable should contain a function. It will be executed when the Client received new data. It takes the client socket, address and received data as an argument.

Now the Server must do something.
We will build an echo Server, which will disconnect the Client after sending the received text.
I recommend using a while loop to keep the server going.

while True:
    if Server.event.new_data:
        recved_data = Server.return_recved_data()

The Server.event.new_data variable is True if the Server received new data. The Server.return_recved_data() function returns the received data and turns the Server.event.new_data variable False. The returned variable is a list of all received data. Now you need to iterate over them.

        for data_element in recved_data:
            clientsocket, address, data = data_element

After iterating you will have a variable, here called data_element. It is a tuple containing a socket object from the Client, the address of the sender and the sent data. Now we can use the socket object for sending the data back, then we can close the connection. Therefore, we call Server.send_data(). It takes two arguments:
- data: The data that you want to send. It should be type bytes
- client_socket: The socket of the client

            Server.send_data(data, clientsocket)

Now we are finished. Here the complete code:

from simplesockets import TCPServer

Server = TCPServer()

while True:
    if Server.new_data_recved: #checks if any data recved
        recved_data = Server.return_recved_data() #returns the recved data as a list
        for data_element in recved_data:
            client_socket, address, data = data_element 
            Server.send_data(data, client_socket)

Now we are going to take a look at all the functions we did not cover yet.

Server Functions

The setup(self, ip: str = socket.gethostname(), port: int = 25567, listen: int = 5, recv_buffer: int = 2048, handle_client=None, on_connect=None, on_disconnect=None, on_receive=None): function prepares the Server. It got explained already.

The Server.exit_accept() function stops and kills the accepting thread.

The Server.stop() function pauses the accepting thread. You can start it again with Server.start(). The same function is used when the amount of connections reaches the defined limit.

The Server.recv_data(client_socket) function is automatically called. You don't have to use it for receiving data.

The Server.killed() property returns True if the accepting thread got killed

The Server.restart() function will restart the accepting thread. If you want to accept Clients, make sure the variable is True.

The Server.return_exceptions(delete=True, reset_exception=True) returns all exceptions the class could catch. Use the Server.event.exception.occurred variable to check if an exception got caught. It can take two arguments. If delete=True, Server.event.exception.list gets reset. If reset_exception=True, Server.exception will be set False.

The Server.disconnect(address) function tries to disconnect a connection to the address

Now, let's cover some variables

Server Variables

The Server.recved_data variable contains all the received data. I recommend using the Server.return_recved_data() for using the received data.

The variable is True if the accepting thread is running.

The Server.event.exception.occurred variable is True if any exceptions got caught. You can find the exceptions in the Server,event.exception.list variable.

The Server.event.new_data variable is True if the Server received new data.

The Server.socket variable contains the Server socket.

The Server.clients variable is a dictionary. The key is the address, the value is a list of the Client Thread as it's first value, and the Client socket as it second value.

The Server.max_connections variable defines how many connections the Server accepts before refusing new connections. It can be defined in the initialization of the Server object:
Server = TCPServer(5).

The Server.on_connect, Server.on_disconnect and Server.on_receive variables should contain functions. The Server.on_connect and Server.on_disconnect take the address as an argument. The Server.on_receive takes the received data as an argument.


Let's get started with the Client.
First you initialise the Client.
Then you need to call setup(). You can give the following arguments:
- target_ip: The ip the Client connects to
- target_port: The port the Client connects to, standard: 25567
- listen: Is the value used in socket.listen(), standard: 5
- recv_buffer: Is the amount of bytes the socket receives at maximum, standard: 2048
- on_connect: This variable should contain a function. It will be executed right after the Client connected to the Server. It takes no arguments.
- on_disconnect: This variable should contain a function. It will be executed when the Client disconnects from the Server
- on_receive: This variable should contain a function. It will be executed when the Client received new data. It takes the received data as an argument.

from simplesockets.simplesockets import TCPClient

Client = TCPClient() 
Client.setup(target_ip='localhost', target_port=9999) # more options: listen=5, recv_buffer=2048, handle_client=None

It's almost the same as with the Server. Next we need to connect to the Server.

The Client.autorecv() starts a Thread which collects all incoming data.

while True:
  if Client.event.new_data: 
Then the Clients sends his message. Next, we wait for incoming data in a while loop. Should we receive data trough the Client.autorecv(), Client.new_data_recved will be true.

  recved_data = Client.return_recved_data()
    for data_element in recved_data:
Here is the complete code:
from simplesockets.simplesockets import TCPClient

Client = TCPClient() 
Client.setup(target_ip='localhost', target_port=9999) # more options: listen=5, recv_buffer=2048, handle_client=None


while True:
  if Client.event.new_data: 
    recved_data = Client.return_recved_data()
    for data_element in recved_data:
Now we should take al look at all functions we didn't cover yet.

Client Functions

The Client.setup(target_ip: str, target_port: int = 25567, recv_buffer: int = 2048, on_connect: Callable = None, on_disconnect: Callable = None, on_receive: Callable = None): function prepares the Client. This function got explained previously.

The Client.connect() function tries to connect to the Server.

The Client.send_data(data: bytes) function tries to send the given data to the Server.

The Client.reconnect() function try's to reconnect to the Server.

The Client.shutdown() function ends the autrecv Thread end closes the Connection.

The Client.return_exceptions() returns all exceptions

The Client.return_recved_data() function returns the received data and sets Client.event.new_data to False.

The Client.autorecv() function toggles the autorecv_thread. It starts stopped.

The Client.disconnect() function tries to disconnect from the Server.

Client Variables

The Client.recved_data variable contains all the received data. I recommend using the Client.return_recved_data() for using the received data.

The Client.socket variable contains the Client socket.

The Client.event.exception.occurred variable is true if any exceptions raised and got caught.

The Client.event.exception.list variable contains all caught exceptions.

The CLient.event.new_data variable is true if the Client received any new data.

The Client.event.disconnected variable is True if the Client disconnected from the Serer.

The Client.event.connected variable is True if the connecting proccess to the Server was succesful.

The Client.event.is_connected variable is True if the Client is connected to the Server.

The Client.Address property is a tuple of the target_ip and the target_port.