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Welcome to simplesockets

This is the simplesockets documentation. Here, you can learn how to use this library.

If you want to use the "unsecure" variant, use simplesockets
If you want to use the "secure" variant, use securesockets. For this one, you will need pycryptodome if you need real security. If you just need increased security, use this one. For more information, read here

Here you can learn more about the simplesockets Here you can learn more about the securesockets

If you need an example, you can find one in the example folder.


For installation, write on the command prompt:
pip install simplesockets
Now, you can use this library.


If you want a simple echo Client, it could look something like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from simplesockets import TCPClient

    Client = TCPClient()
    Client.setup(target_ip="localhost", target_port=25567)  # prepares the Client
    Client.connect()  # connects the Client to the Server

    Client.autorecv()  # enables autorecv: automatically saves all incoming data in Client.recved_data,
    # return them with Client.return_recved_data()

    Client.send_data(b'Test')  # sends the text to the Server
    while True:
        if Client.event.new_data:  # checks if any data received
            data: list = Client.return_recved_data()  # returns the received data as a list
            for element in data:
                print(element.response)  # should print b'Test'
            break  # ends the while loop

A simple echo Server could look something like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from simplesockets import TCPServer

    Server = TCPServer()
    Server.setup(ip='', port=25567)  # prepares the server
    Server.start()  # starts the server

    while True:
        if Server.event.new_data:  # checks if any data received
            data: list = Server.return_recved_data()  # returns the received data as a list
            for element in data:
                data: bytes = element.response  # element is a Socket_Response object,
                client = element.from_  # sets client to a Server_Client object
                Server.send_data(data, client)

If you encounter any bugs, report them on github

Should you be interested in the changelog, you can find it here